Matt Gillick

Matt Gillick is a writer from northern Virginia and holds an MFA from Emerson College in Boston. He writes primarily fiction (though he has also published essays, poems, reviews, and more) and is working on a novel.
His work has been featured in The Soft Cartel, Bluntly Magazine, Red Planet Magazine, The Frogmore Papers, Newfound, Prometheus Dreaming, Adelaide Literary Magazine, aaduna, BookTrib, The Alembic, LitCat, From Sac, Boston Accent, The Arrival Magazine, Former People Magazine, The Metaworker, Lipstick Party Magazine, Occulum, Golden Walkman Magazine, Horny Poetry Review, Quail Bell Magazine, Indiana Voice Journal, Oddball Magazine, Commonline Journal, Lucky Jefferson, Bruiser, BOMBfire, Land Luck Review, decomp, and The Bitchin' Kitsch, among others.
See Publications and Awards for links.
He is also a Co-Founder and Managing Editor at Cult. Magazine.